Session Information
To access information about a specific session presented at the 2017 conference, please click on any of the following links.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
- Session 1A: Pedestrian/Bike Safety and Liability
- Session 1B: Continuing Evolution of TSMO
- Session 1C: Being Prepared for the Transportation Transformation
- Session 1D: "In the Zone" – The Latest in Workzone Management
- Session 1E: How Drones are Changing the Transportation Industry
- Session 2A: Systemic Safety
- Session 2B: Big Data – It's Here and Bigger!
- Session 2C Transportation Management Associations – Perspectives from Across Pennsylvania
- Session 2D: Connected Automation: Disruptive Transformation (sponsored by HNTB)
- Session 2E: Communications Infrastructure Technology – A Moving Target?
Thursday, December 7, 2017
- Session 3A: Trucking Logistics: Keeping Up with the eCommerce Revolution (sponsored by Pennoni)
- Session 3B: Traffic in a Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Environment: Operational Considerations
- Session 3C: CV/AV Readiness and Roadmaps – How States are Preparing for Connected/Automated Vehicles
- Session 3D: Don't Be in the Dark!
- Session 3E: Advanced Signal Technologies: What's Working, What's New?
- Session 4A: Roadside Safety Innovations
- Session 4B: Automated Driving Systems – Self-Driving Shuttle Buses (sponsored by Stantec)
- Session 4C: Developing Tomorrow's Transportation Professionals Today
- Session 4D: Roundabouts – Current State of the Practice
- Session 4E: PennDOT Connects is Coming to a Project Near You!
- Session 5A: Strategic Highway Safety Planning
- Session 5B: Innovative Planning and Procurement for Freeway Congestion Relief Projects
- Session 5C: I-76 Integrated Corridor Management: Opening Lanes and Offering Options to Maximize Regional Mobility (sponsored by Jacobs)
- Session 5D: Innovative Interchanges and Intersections
- Session 5E: Managing Safety Assets at the Speed of LiDAR
- Session 6A: HSM Safety for Future Generations
- Session 6B: Traffic Engineering Potpourri
- Session 6C: Shininig Some Light on Great Investments for Taxpayers' Dollars!
- Session 6D: Connected Vehicles – Enough Planning Already, Let's Deploy! (sponsored by Michael Baker International)
- Session 6E: Preparing Engineers for Future Innovation
Friday, December 8, 2017
- Session 7A: Technology Applications to Improve Roadway Safety
- Session 7B: Regional Planning for Operations in PA – Current and Future
- Session 7C: Applying HSM for PennDOT and Low-Cost Safety Improvements
- Session 7D: Cellular Technology Impacts on Transportation
- Session 8A: Risk Managment Awareness for PA Public Sector Work
- Session 8B: PennDOT and PTC – Moving Foward
- Session 8C: What's New in Traffic Incident Management?
- Session 8D: Smart Cities – A Synopsis